Constellation (1-a), (breath, pneuma, spiritus - 1)
solo piano, speaking, thunder/gong sheet

constellation (1-a), composed in the Spring of 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece,

is the second of four movements of the [Orfeas-Zyklus] for solo piano, commissioned by pianist Jana Luksts. This movement, composed in tandem with become/desiccated, is a “sister” piece in its like formal content with the middle section of the accordion work [constellation (1-b)], and is modular with the fourth movement of the [Orfeas-Zyklus] piano pieces, constellation (1-c).

“Ahi vista troppo dolce e troppo amara:
Così per troppo amor dunque mi perdi?
Ed io misera perdo
Il poter più godere
E di luce e di vita, e perdo insieme
Tè d’ogni ben più caro, o mio Consorte.”

The work calls for a speaking/vocalizing pianist and the rendering of an abstract solo part for thunder sheet - taking place during the second half of the piece. Originally conceived on a small Sabian thunder sheet, which resembles more of gong than a traditional sheet, the piece can likewise be rendered on a bell plate, or a traditional thunder sheet and bell plate in tandem, as consistent pitch production during bowing is paramount. Constellation (1-a) adheres to the (now long outdated) formal logic of the [Orfeas-zyklus] works, conceived in 2014 - but is likewise inspired by the structural component of Stephen King’s The Wind Through The Keyhole - that of the “story within the story.”

Jana Luksts premiered constellation (1-a) at the Pallas Theatre in Thessaloniki in the Spring of 2018, as a part of one of the concerts I organized in conjunction with the Contemporary Music Lab AuTh. during my Fulbright. She has since performed the work at Sound Symposium Newfoundland and New York. constellation (1-a) was recorded at the Dimenna Center for Classical Music, Cary Hall, by Daniel Baruch (audio) and Mariano Wainzstein (video).

Dedicated to Jana Luksts
Premiered by Jana Luksts, Thessaloniki GR
Video: Mariano Wainsztein
Audio: Daniel Baruch
Year: 2018


ksi-quartet (ξ-quartet-ρηξ) [unity] [2019-]


become/desiccated [2017]